lördag 29 augusti 2015

The last time

This is the last time I’m drinking a bottle of wine here
This is the last time I’m writing poetry on this balcony
One bottle all by myself

This is the last time my bare foots touches these wooden floors
This is the last time I loose my lighter here
A lighter I kept as a secret from you

This is the last time I’m looking for something to eat in the frige
This is the last time I’m looking for anything here
All items has their own places, I know these places
And you didn’t buy me any food
’cause I’m a vegetarian
You’re not

This is the last time I sleep in this bed without someone who snores or cries
This is the last time I feel this safe here
You always made me feel safe

This is the last time I wonder how you’re doing
This is the last time I wonder with whom you sleep
I know exactly where you’re sleeping and I know you’re doing more than well

This is the last time I go out in the middle of the night to buy milk
This is the last time I worry about my morning coffee
You never knew when to tell me we were out of milk

This is the last time I wash my aprons here
This is the last time I’m using our dryer
From now on you have to fight with the neighbours all by yourself

This is the last time I can actually see the dawn crawling trough the windows
This is the last time I’ll sleep here without any curtains
And the last time with earplugs

This is the last time I'm here in between all these boxes
This is the last time I have to figure out wich plastic bowl is yours and wich is mine
That’s actually ridiculous when you’ve got both the bed and the balcony furniture

This is the last time I feel this place is my home

måndag 3 augusti 2015

Den 1:a

Den första mörka natten
den första natten

Han ger henne
sin extra tandborste

Vad vill du mig
frågar hon
och han svarar